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Crazy Online Love Stories That Started On OjosTV

Crazy Online Love Stories That Started On OjosTV

Some real love stories that happened with us.

Video chatting with strangers is almost like a carousel of emotions. You go through everything From joy, a good laugh, and sleepless nights chatting to drama, sadness, and heartbreaks from once a stranger you met online. 


With a ton of video chatting sites available today, it seems that a lot more people find the concept of meeting their significant others online just about right. Anyways, the definition of a soulmate is someone that just gets you. It doesn't matter if it's in real life or online. As long as there is a connection of minds, mutual respect, unconditional love, and deeper understanding, the relationship will survive happily. 


In this article, we are celebrating the three recent love stories that started on OJOS.TV and lead to beautiful relationships that made us write about their love stories. 

When Shane found Anita 

Last summer, Shane was bored being at home and had nothing to do so he decided to get on OJOS.TV. There he met Anita. So Anita was absolutely weird. She refused to show her face, but she was very eloquent while talking to Shane and that is how she stole his heart:




“Anita stood out to me the moment we started talking. There was something about her that kept me wondering. Sometimes she would hum a song, or talk freely about the things that she liked. She was truly entertaining and funny. Although I had never seen her face in actual lighting, I fancied her. She told me that she lived in Canada, whereas I was in the USA. Nonetheless, we stayed up all night on OJOS talking to each other, and eventually, I gathered up the courage to ask for her number. Luckily, she didn't skip on me, and I then started texting her.”


He added, “It only took about a week for us to start facetime with each other all night every night. This continued for a month when I decided to visit her in person in Canada. The moment I saw her, all my emotions came alive. That weekend was the best weekend of my life. And basically, we started to see each other fortnightly. Although it's been only a few months since we officially started dating, I know in my heart that she is my person for life.”

The first impression of Evans was horrible, said Kim Su Min 

Well, Evans was curious about Kim, but Kim, on the other hand, thought that Evans was being rude and the war started but did it? Let’s find out from Kim herself: 



“On a September weekend in 2021, I decided to chat with strangers on OJOS because I had heard great things about the website. As I was skipping through questionable-looking, barely dressed people in their bedrooms and basements with fuzzy video quality, I landed on two decent-looking boys. I stopped my incessant clicking and decided to initiate the conversation.


I couldn’t help but feel awe hearing their British accents, while they were happy to talk to an Asian woman. Soon, Evan started making assumptions about me, like where I am from and things about my culture. I took it as ignorance and insensitivity, so like the woman I am, I corrected him. (my way could have been a little harsh). But here’s the thing; Evan didn't get defensive, in fact, he understood what I said and apologized. He has the cutest little confused smile that I swear I fell in love with right then and there.


Anyway, they had to leave, but Evan entered his full name on the chat and told me to add him on Insta. And, of course, I did. Three months passed, and long story short, I’m really glad I decided to chat with strangers that day because I might have found the one for me!”

An awkward conversation turned into love for Talha and August

Talha was never the one to approach the girls. He was shy, basically a nerd, whereas she was the life of the party. August’s energy, bubbliness, and charm made Talha’s heart beat like never before. This is how Talha describes their love story:



“Toward the end of my senior year of high school, I was extremely bored, and so I decided to mess with some random people on OJOS one night. The first few conversations were okayish, I don’t even remember much about them. Then I started talking to August. She was so chirpy from the get-go. And I don’t know what, but something about her was making my heart beat differently. Anyways, it was 3 AM, and we had been talking for almost 3 hours, so we decided to end our video chat here and exchanged numbers for future contact. 


August texted me instantly, and we said good night on call. I was never in it for a long haul, so I didn't consider the possibility of a relationship, that too from OJOS. Little did I know, she started having feelings for me. I, being completely oblivious, shook off the signs until we began seriously talking about meeting in person. Luckily, we live only one state away, so meeting her was very doable. A month and a half after we met on OJOS, I took a train to go see her.


Honestly, the feeling that surged inside me when I first laid eyes on her at the station was like nothing I had ever felt before. She was all I could see. Although I was very awkward with her, as I always am around girls, she ran up to me and gave me the warmest, biggest hug I have ever received in my life. At this point, we both knew that we had feelings for each other. I spent the weekend in Boston, and we had an awesome time, but it was dampened by the thought that I would have to leave soon. 


You won't believe it, as we are standing at the station saying goodbyes, my train home was canceled, forcing me to stay with her one more night. But coming face to face with the feelings I had for her while I was waiting for my train made me realize that it’s love. 


It's been 6 months now since that first conversation and we’re officially dating, that too very happily. It blows my mind when I think back to how we started talking. Truly, there was only a 1 in a million chance that OJOS would match us up and I am happy that it worked in my favor.”

Take Away

As long as you believe in love and give love a chance to change your life for the better, great things will happen regardless of how and where you meet your soulmate! 


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